
The modules ciaaw__saw, ciaaw__ice, ciaaw__naw and ciaaw__pte are automatically generated with a simple script written in Python.

All elements from the periodic table pt are directly accessible. The data for the standard atomic weights ciaaw__saw, the isotopic compositions ciaaw__ice of the elements and the nuclide atomic weights ciaaw__naw are also directly accessible through the element_type.

Nonetheless, convenient getters are available for accessing the desired data for an elements without having to access to whole periodic table pt

SAW: Standard Atomic Weights

The latest standard atomic weights were released in 2021 by the ciaaw. All the values for the atomic weights are provided as double precision reals in a derived type saw_type.

The standard atomic weights (or realtive atomic mass),, are extracted from table 1 Prohaska et al. 2022. For the elements that feature an interval for the standard atomic weight, the mean value and the uncertainty are computed using formulas defined in Van der Veen et al. 2021.

The standard atomic weights are a dimensionless quantity and thus they need to be multiplied by the molar mass constant in order to get the value in . See codata for physical constants.

ICE: Isotopic Compositions of the Element

The latest isotopic compositions were released in 2013 by the ciaaw. All the values for the compositions are provided as double precision reals in a derived type ice_type. The isotopic compositions of the element, are extracted from table 1 Meija et al. 2013.

NAW: Nuclide Atomic Weights

The latest atomic weights for nuclides were released in 2020 by ciaaw from Huang et al. 2021. All the values for the nuclide atomic weights are provided as double precision reals in derived type naw_type.