ciaaw_api.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~ciaaw_api.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~ciaaw_api.f90 ciaaw_api.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_common.f90 ciaaw_common.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_api.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_common.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_pte.f90 ciaaw_pte.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_api.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_pte.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_types.f90 ciaaw_types.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_api.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_types.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_version.f90 ciaaw_version.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_api.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_version.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_pte.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_common.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_pte.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_types.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_ice.f90 ciaaw_ice.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_pte.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_ice.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_naw.f90 ciaaw_naw.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_pte.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_naw.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_saw.f90 ciaaw_saw.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_pte.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_saw.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_types.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_common.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_ice.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_common.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_ice.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_types.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_naw.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_common.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_naw.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_types.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_saw.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_common.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_saw.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_types.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~ciaaw_api.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~ciaaw_api.f90 ciaaw_api.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw.f90 ciaaw.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_api.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_capi.f90 ciaaw_capi.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_capi.f90 sourcefile~ciaaw_capi.f90->sourcefile~ciaaw_api.f90

Source Code

module ciaaw__api
    !! API
    !! See [specs](../page/specs/api.html)
    use ieee_arithmetic, only: ieee_value, ieee_quiet_nan, ieee_is_nan
    use ciaaw__version
    use ciaaw__common
    use ciaaw__types
    use ciaaw__pte
    character(len=:), allocatable, target :: version_f
    real(dp), allocatable, target :: n_ice_out(:,:)
    public:: pt
    public:: element_type, saw_type, ice_type, naw_type

    public :: get_version
    public :: get_saw
    public :: get_ice, get_nice
    public :: get_naw, get_nnaw
    public :: get_ice_values


! ------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------
function get_version()result(fptr)
    !! Get the version
    implicit none
    character(len=:), pointer :: fptr    !! Fortran pointer to a string indicating the version..

    allocate(character(len=len(version)) :: version_f)
    version_f = version
    fptr => version_f    
end function
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Base search functions 
function is_in_pt(z)result(res)
    !! Check if the atomic number z is in the periodic table
    integer(int32), intent(in) :: z  !! Atomic number
    logical :: res
    if((z<1) .or. (z>size(pt))) then
        res = .false.
        res = .true.
    end if
end function

function get_z_by_symbol(s)result(res)
    !! Get the atomic number z of the element defined by the symbol s.
    !! Returns -1 if the element is not found.
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s    !! Element symbol
    integer(int32) :: res                !! Atomic number

    integer(int32) :: i
    type(element_type) :: elmt

    res = -1

    do i=1, size(pt)
        elmt = pt(i)
        if(s == elmt%symbol)then
            res = i
    end do
end function

subroutine print_periodic_table()
    !! Print periodic table.
    integer(int32) :: i,j
    character(len=20) :: v, u, w

    character(len=15) :: header(3)
    character(len=15) :: ice_headers(3)
    character(len=15) :: naw_headers(3)

    header = [character(len=20) :: "", "", ""]
    ice_headers = [character(len=15) :: "A", "C /%", "dC /%"]
    naw_headers = [character(len=15) :: "A", "M", "dM"]

    do i=1, size(pt)
        print "(A)", "============================================="
        header(1) = pt(i)%symbol
        header(2) = pt(i)%element
        write(v, "(I3)") pt(i)%z
        header(3) = "z=" // v
        print "(3A15)", header
        print "(A)", "---------------------------------------------"
        print "(A)", "STANDARD ATOMIC WEIGHTS" 
        write(v, "(F10.5)") pt(i)%saw%asaw
        write(u, "(F10.5)") pt(i)%saw%asaw_u
        print "(A4, A10, A, A10)", "M = ", adjustl(v), "+/-", adjustl(u)
        print "(A)", "---------------------------------------------"
        print "(A)", "ISOTOPIC COMPOSITIONS" 
        print "(3A15)", ice_headers 
        do j=1, pt(i)%ice%n
            write(w, "(I3)") nint(pt(i)%ice%values(j,1))
            write(v, "(ES12.5)") pt(i)%ice%values(j,2)
            write(u, "(ES12.5)") pt(i)%ice%values(j,3)
            print "(3A15)", adjustl(w), adjustl(v), adjustl(u) 
        print "(A)", "---------------------------------------------"
        print "(A)", "NUCLIDE ATOMIC WEIGHTS" 
        print "(3A15)", naw_headers
        do j=1, pt(i)%naw%n
            write(w, "(I3)") nint(pt(i)%naw%values(j,1))
            write(v, "(ES12.5)") pt(i)%naw%values(j,2)
            write(u, "(ES12.5)") pt(i)%naw%values(j,3)
            print "(3A15)", adjustl(w), adjustl(v), adjustl(u) 
        print "(A)", "============================================="

        print *, ""
        print *, ""

    end do
end subroutine

! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! SAW 
function get_saw(s, abridged, uncertainty)result(res)
    !! Get the standard atomic weight. By default the abridged value is provided.
    !! If the non abridged value is desired, set abridged to false.
    !! The uncertainty instead of the value can be retrieved if the uncertainty is set to true.
    !! Returns NaN if provided symbol is incorrect or -1 if the element does not have a SAW.
    ! Arguments
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s              !! Element symbol.
    logical, intent(in), optional :: abridged      !! Flag for returning the abridged standard atomic weight. Default to TRUE.
    logical, intent(in), optional :: uncertainty   !! Flag for returning the uncertainty instead of the value. Default to FALSE.

    ! Returns
    real(dp) :: res

    ! Variables
    real(dp) :: saw_max, saw_min, saw, saw_u
    integer(int32) :: z, n
    logical :: a2, u2

    a2 = optval(abridged, .true.)
    u2 = optval(uncertainty, .false.)
    z = get_z_by_symbol(s)
    res = ieee_value(1.0_dp, ieee_quiet_nan)
        if(a2 .eqv. .true.)then
            if(u2 .eqv. .true.)then
                res = pt(z)%saw%asaw_u
                res = pt(z)%saw%asaw
            end if
            if((pt(z)%saw%saw == -1.0_dp) .and. (pt(z)%saw%saw_max > 0.0_dp) .and. (pt(z)%saw%saw_min > 0.0_dp))then
                saw_max = pt(z)%saw%saw_max
                saw_min = pt(z)%saw%saw_min
                saw = (saw_max + saw_min) / 2.0_dp
                saw_u = (saw_max - saw_min)/(2.0_dp*sqrt(3.0_dp))
                n = floor(log10(saw_u))
                saw_u = ceiling(saw_u * 10.0_dp**(-n))*10.0_dp**n
                saw = nint(saw * 10.0_dp**(-n)) * 10.0_dp**n
                if(u2 .eqv. .true.)then
                    res = saw_u
                    res = saw
                end if
                if(u2 .eqv. .true.)then
                    res = pt(z)%saw%saw_u
                    res = pt(z)%saw%saw
                end if 
            end if 
        end if
    end if
end function
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function get_ice(s, A, uncertainty)result(res)
    !! Get the isotopic composition of the element s for the mass number A. 
    !! The uncertainty instead of the value can be retrieved if the uncertainty is set to true.
    !! Returns NaN if the provided symbol or A are incorrect or -1 if the element does not have an ICE.
    ! Arguments
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s              !! Element symbol.
    integer(int32), intent(in) :: A                !! Mass number.
    logical, intent(in), optional :: uncertainty   !! Flag for returning the uncertainty instead of the value. Default to FALSE.

    ! Returns
    real(dp) :: res
    ! Variables
    real(dp) :: A_double
    integer(int32) :: i, z, col, row
    logical :: u2

    u2 = optval(uncertainty, .false.)
    z = get_z_by_symbol(s)
    A_double = real(A, dp)
    res = ieee_value(1.0_dp, ieee_quiet_nan)

    if(u2 .eqv. .true.)then
        col = 3
        col = 2

    row = 0
    if((z>0) .and. (pt(z)%ice%n > 0))then
        do i=1, pt(z)%ice%n
            if(pt(z)%ice%values(i, 1) == A_double)then
                row = i
        end do
    if(row > 0)then
        res = pt(z)%ice%values(row, col)
end function

function get_nice(s)result(res)
    !! Get the number of isotopes in ICE.
    !! Returns -1 if the provided symbol is incorrect.

    ! Arguments
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s             !! Element symbol.

    ! Returns
    integer(int32) :: res

    ! Variables
    integer(int32) :: z

    z = get_z_by_symbol(s)

        res = pt(z)%ice%n
        res = -1
end function

function get_ice_values(s)result(res)
    !! Get the (n, 3) values array. See [[ciaaw__types(module):ice_type(type)]].
    !! Returns a null pointer if the provided symbol is incorrect.

    ! Arguments
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s             !! Element symbol.

    ! Returns
    real(dp), pointer :: res(:,:)

    ! Variables
    integer(int32) :: z

    z = get_z_by_symbol(s)
    res => null()

    end if

        allocate(n_ice_out(pt(z)%ice%n, 3))
        n_ice_out(:,:) = pt(z)%ice%values(1:pt(z)%ice%n,:)
        res => n_ice_out
        n_ice_out(1,:) = ice_nan%values(1,:)
        res => null()

end function 
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function get_naw(s, A, uncertainty)result(res)
    !! Get the atomic weight of the nuclide s for the mass number A. 
    !! The uncertainty instead of the value can be retrieved if the uncertainty is set to true.
    !! Returns NaN if provided symbol or A are incorrect 
    !! or -1 if the element does not have an NAW.
    ! Arguments
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s              !! Element symbol.
    integer(int32), intent(in) :: A                !! Mass number.
    logical, intent(in), optional :: uncertainty   !! Flag for returning the uncertainty instead of the value. Default to FALSE.

    ! Returns
    real(dp) :: res
    ! Variables
    real(dp) :: A_double
    integer(int32) :: i, z, col, row
    logical :: u2

    u2 = optval(uncertainty, .false.)
    z = get_z_by_symbol(s)
    A_double = real(A, dp)
    res = ieee_value(1.0_dp, ieee_quiet_nan)

    if(u2 .eqv. .true.)then
        col = 3
        col = 2

    row = 0
    if((z>0) .and. (pt(z)%naw%n > 0))then
        do i=1, pt(z)%naw%n
            if(pt(z)%naw%values(i, 1) == A_double)then
                row = i
        end do
    if(row > 0)then
        res = pt(z)%naw%values(row, col)
end function

function get_nnaw(s)result(res)
    !! Get the number of nuclides in NAW.
    !! Returns -1 if the provided symbol is incorrect.

    ! Arguments
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s             !! Element symbol.

    ! Returns
    integer(int32) :: res

    ! Variables
    integer(int32) :: z

    z = get_z_by_symbol(s)

        res = pt(z)%naw%n
        res = -1
end function

end module