- No code change.
- Code refractoring and cleaning
- Update CI/CD workflows.
Full changelog
- Roll back to C API in Fortran code: easier maintenance.
- Roll back to compiled C extension for python: easier maintenance.
Full changelog available at github
- Fix bug in version for Fortran code.
Full changelog available at github
- Drop compiled extensions for Python.
- Pure Python code for constants auto-generated as it is the case for the Fortran code.
- Pure C code for constants auto-generated as it is the case for the Fortran code.
- API break:
- No more C API in the Fortran code.
- Use the pure C code to build a C library.
Full changelog available at github
- Fix conflict that could occur with C API modules. Add prefix in module names.
- Cleanup and refractoring.
- Documentation update.
- Refractoring
- Merge back C API and python wrapper.
Full changelog available at github
- Refractoring
- Documentation update.
Full changelog available at github
- C API and Python wrapper moved to their own repositories.
- API break: C API is no more provided by default. Use the optional C wrapper.
- Code cleanup
- Documentation update
Full changelog available at github
- Add codata values for 2010, 2014 and 2018.
- Code refractoring and code cleaning.
- Documentation update and switch to only FORD documentation.
- Rewrite code generators in python.
- Generate source code for stdlib.
- API break: constants are defined as DT like in stdlib.
Full changelog available at github
Python wrapper available at pypi.
- Remove remove generation of the version module.
- Add tests using the test-drive framework.
- Explicit parameter constants for Fortran and protected constants for C API.
- Minor fixes in documentation.
- Code cleanup.
- Merge of all code for autogeneration in one file.
Full changelog available at github
Python wrapper available at pypi.
- No API changes.
- Automatic generation of the version module.
- Generic Makefiles for automatic the building process of the library and the pywrapper.
- Add targets: build, build_debug, test, test_debug.
- Minor fixes in documentation.
Full changelog available at github
Python wrapper available at pypi.
- No API changes.
- Improve Makefile for generating the source code at each compilation.
- Source generator rewritten in Fortran.
- Switch to pyproject.toml for the Python wrapper.
- Minor fixes in documentation.
Full changelog available at github
Python wrapper available at pypi.
- Use shared library in python wrapper.
- Minor fixes in documentation.
Full changelog available at github
Python wrapper available at pypi.
- Back to the approach with a library.
- Compatible with fpm.
- Configuration file for setting all the environmental variables.
- Global makefile for building a static library (through fpm) and a shared library.
- Automatic copy of the necessary sources for the python wrapper.
- Python wrapper built with the static library
- no dependency on a shared library.
- sources and static library embeded in the python wrapper.
- FORD for documenting the Fortran code.
- Integration of the FORD documentation into the main documentation with sphinx.
Full changelog available at github
Python wrapper available at pypi.
- Minor fixes in generator code
- Add automatic copy of c sources for the python wrapper.
Full changelog available at github
Python wrapper available at pypi.
- Migrate documentation from doxygen to sphinx+breathe.
- Add YEAR constant indicating the year of the codata constants.
- Refractoring
Full changelog available at github
Python wrapper available at pypi.
- Created documentation.
- Fixed missing uncertainties for Cpython.
Full changelog available at github
Python wrapper available at pypi.
- Changed the complete approach by not generating a library but only source files for different languages.
- Available languages: Fortran, C, python, CPython
Full changelog available at github
Python wrapper available at pypi.
- Bring back pywrapper in the codata repository to sync versions.
- Improvements of the documentation.
Full changelog available at github
Python wrapper available at pypi.
- Only last codata constants.
Full changelog available at github
Python wrapper available at pypi.
- Integration of Intel Fortran compiler and MSVC in cmake scripts.
- Add specifications and instructions for compiling on Windows
Full changelog available at github
Python wrapper available at pypi.
- Bug fixes for the codata 2010.
- Bug fixes in the tests linked to the codata 2010.
- Add python wrapper for the number of constants method.
Full changelog available at github
Python wrapper available at pypi.
Implementation of:
- the parser of the codata raw data
- the generator of the Fortran modules
- the C API and C header
- the python wrapper (will be moved to its repository next release).
Full changelog available at github
Python wrapper available at pypi.